Wednesday 17 June 2009

food Review for No. 14 cafe in Ashburton.

My food reviews have suffered.
Too much work means that things that are not urgent get put to the bottom of the pile. It was ever thus.
BUT I managed to complete a review of No.14, a cafe in Ashburton earlier today, (see the food reviews link), and continued work on adding google maps to my B&B listings.
There are 2 more food reviews pending. Obviously the easy part of any food review is the going along to sample the food.
Making notes of menu prices is a bit of a bind. I always think that I will remember the prices in my head. How silly is that when I have a gin and tonic in hand ? Rob usually gives me the receipt to help jog the memory, but often as not "2 x veglas" doesn't always bring two vegetable lasagnas easily to mind, even less "2 mains" Fortunately the photos help. We do try to be a little discreet about taking pics whilst in any food outlet. We rarely get noticed by staff members, but occasionally fellow diners will notice and a couple of times I have been asked outright "Why are you taking pictures?" and I usually say that they are holiday memories.
BIG BROTHER No surprise whatsoever that Freddie is up for nomination again. I am delighted that Cairon is also up for the vote. What an arrogant specimen of youth he is ? Innit ?
Sleeps most of the day away. Not done a single stroke of work in the house. More than happy to let everyone else wait on him hand and foot, and when Sree actually touched Cairon's plate of food, just the plate, he refused to eat it and helped himself to a fresh bowlful. What ???
What planet is he on ? Me, me, me.
How long do you think it will take before EVERYONE realises just what a nasty piece of work Marcus really is.? Note the sneering smile on his face whenever anyone else is being attacked. He loves it. No way on earth will he be in at the final.
And Lisa won't last either. That would be a challenge to Gok wouldn't it ?
Cheerio Chicks


  1. I also try and be discreet when taking pix of food in restaurants, but when you have to stand up and take flash photography, it's hard not to be conspicuous, innit?
    Who are these people on BB? Should I know them? Would I recognise them if I passed them in the street? I confess to not liking any of the reality progs but then I loved The Apprentice! Are these BB people just people who appear on BB and on nothing else? A bit like the females on Ladette to Lady, who you feel would benefit by a non-PC good slap occasionally?
    Margaret P

  2. Dear Anonymous aka Margaret.....
    You really have to watch BB to see these overbearing characters. I think they are much like Marmite - you love them or loather them and in the main I do loathe them, but it's a case of me actually wanting the big super egos to bite the dust and fall off their very high pedestals. And in the meantime they make such idiots of themselves, it's totally rewarding to People Watchers to see.
