Thursday 11 June 2009

Dartmoor Accommodation future plans

Almost lunchtime and Elizabeth, Martin, Rob and I are all in the office making plans to go forward with The youngsters, E&M, are full of innovative ideas to add to the website, and I can't wait to get it all into place. - but it will take a few weeks as there is masses of content to be sorted.

The plan is that I shall have more time to get out and about with my camera, and visit accommodation providers more regularly, not that I want in any way to become an inspector figure.
This is what I wrote about inspectors earlier this year:- I don't hold with anyone paying an arm and a leg for some so called official to come along and criticise so that you can have the (paid for) benefit of being allowed to be on their official website. I once had a wet behind the ears young female tourist Inspector telling me that I needed a net curtain at our upstairs guest bathroom window. I pointed out that for anyone to see into the room, they would have to be standing on top of Kestor Rock, some 6 miles away and that guests drooled over the stunning downhill view of patchwork quilt fields. She wouldn't change her mind, and wrote down on her clipboard that it had to be done prior to me being awarded a 3 star rating. She also told me that one of our outside lights needed a shade on it !! That was the year that we decided that the money for inspections could be much better spent on making even more homemade cakes for our loyal band of visitors who couldn't have given a toss how many stars I had to my accommodation. They came year after year rating or no rating.
I want to be out and about taking pictures of people, events and what I think is great about Dartmoor.

BIG BROTHER I heartily enjoyed the nomination process on last night's show. Not at all surprised that Sophia is up for the public vote and the Freddie aka Halfwit nomination is understandable too. Listening to his conversation is akin to getting road directions from a drunk at midnight. But of the 2, I would prefer that Sophia waves goodbye on Friday.


  1. I have looked throw Dartmoor Accommodation and found it very useful. keep on. The bright future waiting for you.

    Best wishes

  2. Dear Abdullah....
    thank you whoever you are.
