Tuesday 13 April 2010

First swallow spotted and purple sprouting takes some beating.

Great News about Summer.... it's on the way.
How do I know ?
Well one lone swallow arrived back on Saturday 10th, and the seeds are coming up in my greenhouse.
This is a pic of me with some purple sprouting.
Last year we were still eating off it at Christmas, and I didn't collect these seeds off the old dried up plants until early February when I just hung up the old plant in the greenhouse to fully dry out.
The seeds positively jumped out of the pods a few days later, and I sowed them on the 4th of April and already they are racing away.
This photo was taken on the 10th, and today the 13th, the seeds are twice as big and filling out the seedtray like hearty cress. I shall have far too many plants, so if you live within easy reach call in for some spares.
They are really easy to grow and the heads of purple sprouting perform just like brocolli once cooked. Personally I enjoy the green leaves too. Just like Spring cabbage. Yummy.
I think that seeing as it's such a sunny day, I'll go out and do some digging.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Jill, purple sprouting is the food of the Gods LOL. Mine was so late this year I have only been harvesting for a couple of weeks, but as usual, it is all ready at the same time. My 2010 crop has just sprouted :o)
