Thursday 28 April 2011

Royal wedding ennui.

With the royal wedding less than 24 hours away it's hard to judge just how involved folks on Dartmoor feel. Usually I am the first to jump into the dressing up box when there is the merest excuse to put on a costume of any sort, but and website has taken up so much of my time of late that housework is crying out to be done and it would be rather nice to spend tomorrow completing some of the chores and taking 10 minutes or so out of every hour to watch royal events.
But hey this will be a special occasion won't it ?
A chance for neighbours and friends to mark a great moment in time? I went down to London for both Charles and Di and Andrew and Fregie's weddings, and enjoyed every moment in the city, but look what happened to both of those marriages ...
Sad to admit too that a small part of me is worried about the safety aspect in London tomorrow. With so much hatred in the World, this might be just the occasion that some religous zealot is looking for.
What a misery I sound. Maybe it's because I no longer have any school age children at my skirt urging me to bake red white and blue biscuits.
Most likely by mid morning I will be champing at the bit to nip into Chagford to join the happy throng and wish this eager royal couple all the best along with everyone else and I'll have the camera working overtime to capture the fervour of it all.
It's a sorry thing to admit that it's a toss up between that and cleaning off the green stuff on my greenhouse windows isn't it ?
That my Commonwealth committment has come to this hey ?
Shall have to wait and see what tomorrow brings ...

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