Saturday 29 May 2010

Ernie at Princetown and a chimney fire at the Sandy Park Inn.

Apologies for not keeping the blog up to date these last couple of weeks, but we have had almighty problems with the website.
Elizabeth (daughter) is hell bent on installing a data base for me, because the site is so big, and it will make navigation even more easy for our visitors. This has meant that we needed to tidy up the coding on the html (all background stuff behind the pages) which has been up and running for about 12 years without much technical knowledge, me being non techy whatsoever. So.....
One of Elizabeth's bright young team has been trying to sort me out. Poor Nick has had the daunting task of trying to taking it all to pieces and updating the old style sheet.....
which would have been ok, save for the fact that there were 2 style sheets in there, and unbeknownst (is that how you spell that ?) to Nick the one that was lying quietly in the background was causing great problems to the one that we thought was in command.
Still with me ??????????
Anyway, all this conflict at the back of the pages came to light when Jane and I realised that we were duplicating correction work, and whatever we did didn't seem to be making much difference to the look of the website.
If anyone does know what I'm rattling on about, they will know the sheer frustration of it all.
And all this when I could be doing far more interesting and exciting stuff.
I had hoped by now to be out and about saying hello to all our accommodation providers, and updating the pages with all manner of interesting facts.

We did manage to get out to visit one of the new B&B's on our website this week though and that was to nip out to say a quick hello to Ernie at Duchy House at Princetown. That's Ernie in the picture at the top. What a cheerful guy he is. He showed us around his letting rooms and we took lots of photos that I will add to the website in a few days time, and before we knew it we were drinking tea in his kitchen chatting away like old pals. He is very easy to get on with, and I should imagine that visitors to the Prison who stay with him would feel at home in no time.
The other picture is of Chagford and Moreton fire crews attending a chimney fire at the Sandy Park Inn just outside Chagford on the 14th. I'm so glad that it didn't get out of hand. The firefighting lads were able to direct a hose down the chimney that seemed to do the trick and the pub was back to business as usual by lunch opening time.

I will get back to sensible blogs.... honest. There will be more hours in a day. Pigs will fly ! Cheers chaps

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