Saturday 21 August 2010

Chagford Show - Prizewinners !!

Elizabeth was home this week to help us with our stand at Chagford Show.
She runs a busy website design company in Norfolk. so she flew from Norwich to Exeter to be at home for 4 very busy days. We had a final evening last night - home cooking, game of Scrabble, she and Rob against me (I won) and then watched the loathsome John James get evicted from Big Brother before she drove over to Jennifer's in Exeter to spend the night in time for the early flight back. Ben (son in law) valiantly offered to drive her in to be at the airport for 6.30

Robert with 2 local Mikes, and me with one local Debbie!
The show was as ever great fun for all. Having been the photography judge for 10 years or so, and spending at least 2 hours in the horticultural tent scribbling comments on the entries, I decided to hang up my hat this year and book a stand of our own.
Thanks to Rob, all the paperwork was dealt with in time, the display boards ordered, cut to size and painted, the gazebo was strengthened and erected the night before, flower troughs delivered etc. and within an hour of our getting there I was off with the camera taking pictures of everything that was going on.
Chagford Show really is one of the best. There is so much going on that appeals, it takes some going to see it all. I wish I'd had a pedometer on. An overall map of where I went during the day would show me like a drunken sailor lurching from pub to pub, as I spied things to photograph all round me.
I hope to have all the pictures ready in a slideshow on the website by Wednesday.
Will let you know when to take a look.

1 comment:

  1. How very sweet your daughter looks in her red t shirt and no pink hair
